We are proud to announce that our project DR. SCHÄR has received an honourable mention at the prestigious DEDALO MINOSSE award, which has been awarded for the twelfth time. The ceremony took place on Friday 16 September at the famous Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza. This award is a great honour for the entire team and for our client Dr. Schär, a company based in South Tyrol, which is a leading manufacturer of gluten-free foods, especially for people with coeliac disease.

The DEDALO MINOSSE award aims to promote the harmony between clients and architects. The jury evaluated all the submitted projects according to the criteria of economic and environmental sustainability of the works, innovative use of renewable energies and resources, enhancement and preservation of the landscape and architectural heritage, use of innovative technologies and materials, valorisation of local traditions and languages, multidisciplinary approach and integration of art and architecture.